The Foster Family Home and Small Family Home Insurance Fund
Abuse is blind, affecting people of all ages, genders, races, occupation, and walk of life in this country. For those who already suffer from hardship, abuse can be even more painful. Thankfully, the State Department of Social Services has formed a fund catered specifically to these disadvantaged individuals.
The Foster Family Home and Small Family Home Insurance Fund shall pay any claims of foster children, their parents, or guardians for damages arising from and peculiar to the foster-care relationship and from the provision of foster-care services. The purpose of the Fund is to pay, on behalf of the foster parent homes and small family homes, claims of foster children, their parents, or guardians.
Time and time again, police hear reports of physically, emotionally and sexually abused foster children. These individuals – without birth parents to guide them – are subject to abusive adults under the guise of caring “parents.”
Like other assistance services, The Foster Family Home and Small Family Home Insurance Fund must be notified of the claim within one year of the accrual.
The Fund is not liable for the following:
- Any loss arising from a dishonest, fraudulent, criminal, or intentional act;
- Any occurrence which does not arise from the foster-care relationship;
- Any bodily injury arising out of the operation or use of any motor vehicle, aircraft, or watercraft, owned or operated by or rented or loaned to, any foster parent;
- Any loss arising out of any licentious, immoral, or sexual behavior on the part of the foster parent intended to lead to, or culminating in, any sexual act;
- Any allegation of alienation of affection against a foster parent.
The Fund shall not be liable for any damages in excess of $300,000 for any single foster family home or small family home for all claims arising due to one or more occurrences during a single calendar year.
Keep in mind that only Foster Family Homes and Small Family Homes are covered in the Fund. No other homes are eligible for the Fund’s benefits.
For questions or to fill out a form, contact the Office of Risk and Insurance Management:
State of California Office of Risk and Insurance Management
707 Third Street, First Floor, 1-435
West Sacramento, CA 95605
For further information, contact an experienced crime victim attorney.