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Estey Bomberger reviews and monitors news stories and reports of crime and lawsuits involving public and private schools nationwide. The following reports are for schools located in Kandiyohi County, MN. If your child has been sexually abused or negligently supervised and you would like more information about your options or rights in a civil suit, contact us for a free consultation.
2701 30th St NE, Willmar, MN 56201
On November 30, 2015, Chad Jeffrey Akerson, 35, of Willmar, was sentenced to a three-year prison sentence in Kandiyohi County District Court. Back in 2010, when Akerson was 29, while working as a teacher and hockey coach at Willmar Senior High School, Akerson began having regular sexual intercourse with a 15-year-old student, at the school, his home, his victim’s home, and in his vehicle. Akerson was arrested in 2014 and charged with one count each of first, second, and third degree criminal sexual conduct. At the sentencing hearing, Judge Mike Thompson talked about the crime. “You forgot what your role in life is,” he said. Rather than act as a mentor, coach and teacher, Thompson continued, “You went after what was available.” News Sources: KSTP.com, wctrib.com